Sunday Worship
Our Latest Sermons
Jesus says a lot of things. Sometimes, Jesus says outrageous things, like “it is not
The expression ‘seeing is believing’ has become common enough. Especially when we find ourselves live in suspicious times, among suspicious folks. We trust our eyes and our own experiences – and this is a good and healthy thing – but it makes a life of faith a real tightrope act.
The ’KINGDOM’ that Jesus proclaims is a place where folk are forgiven and welcomed. The rules for forgiveness are simple. There are no complicated (expensive) rituals.
To be forgiven, one must admit wrong and be ready to accept grace. She follows Jesus into the house, and offers these remarkable acts of gratitude because she recognizes the difference between her reality and the kind of world that Jesus proposes. And Jesus turns her gratitude into a parable. The reality of her sin (and the recognition of God’s forgiveness) prompts an overwhelming expression of gratitude.