Enduring Mission
Like the other charities you give to, Enduring Mission invites donations to sustain and grow our life and work. To honour others, to celebrate milestone events, or in thanksgiving for God's goodness, individuals or groups can give at any time to St. Marys Presbyterian Church - Enduring Mission and receive a tax receipt.

Regular and Planned Giving
Enduring Mission Fund earnings enable necessary capital projects to be undertaken such aswork on our stained glass windows, manse roof, cottage upkeep, re-pointing of stonework, etc ...

Gifts of Time
We show our love for God by giving back to God and by reachingout to others. Utilizing our gifts is something that we are called to do ...

Camp Kintail Scholarships
A scholarship fund for 'Leaders in Training' through Camp Kintail has been set up within the fund in memory of Helen Rankin ...

Brian Emery Music & Worship Fund
Enduring Mission established this area of its fund in response to a request for the late Brian Emery ...