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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


Learning Activities

At St. Marys, we encourage and help one another to become disciples of Jesus Christ. Through multigenerational opportunities of study, fellowship and service, we offer support for individuals to:

The love of Jesus is shared with children, youth and adults. In addition to the many congregational activities that are planned throughout the year, we have study and fellowship groups for adults.

Youth Groups

In ‘regular time’ we offer three youth groups including:

Bible Study on Wednesdays, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. (September — June) 

We welcome  all ages to join us to explore the readings from the Bible for the coming Sunday’s worship. Our dialogue during these studies is looking at what God might be trying to say to us through these ancient words in our modern days.

Music Gathering on Thursdays

A great group of folk gathers to practices with Lanny Hoare (our Music Director).  Not a singer – no problem! We also have a 4 octave set of handbells used by “The Bells of St. Marys” bell choir. We are currently endeavouring to start a Boomwhacker Choir for all ages.