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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


Our History

In the early 1800s, St. Marys settlers gathered in community buildings to worship.

James Ingersoll, a major landowner, helped out several congregations by granting land to them. Two large lots along Widder St. east between Church and Wellington were deeded to the Presbyterian Church by Mr. Ingersoll in 1849. Thus began, First Presbyterian Church.

Ny 1852, a wood frame church had been errected. During 1879, stone buildings, including two Presbyterian churches, the opera house and a Methodist Church, were all under construction. This present building opened in 1881.

In 1964, after amalgamation talks which had begun back in 1918, an agreement was reached that both Presbyterian churches be put up for sale. Whichever sold first would have all movable items taken to the other. Renovations of First Presbyterian began over next two years as Knox pews were arranged, and stained glass windows installed and backlit.

In Canada’s Centennial Year, 1967, the refurbished St. Marys Presbyterian Church officially opened on Sunday, June 4th. In 1993, an extension and balcony were added providing more space for the vibrant congregation, where God is praised, Christ is served, and the Holy Spirit inspires us to action.


The Timeline

  • 1849

    In 1849, two large lots were deeded to the Presbyterian Church on Widder Street East.

  • 1879

    During 1879 there were two Presbyterian churches under construction in St. Marys. One was later sold.

  • 1881

    The building where the present church resides first opened in 1881.

  • 1964

    In 1964, renovations of First Presbyterian began as Knox pews were arranged and two stained glass windows were installed and backlit.

  • 1967

    In Canada's Centennial Year, 1967, the refurbished St. Marys Presbyterian Church officially opened on Sunday, June 4th.

  • 1993

    In 1993, an extension and balcony were added providing more space for the vibrant congregation.