Brian Emery Music & Worship Fund
A Will Bequest & Legacy Gift
As Music Director at St. Marys Presbyterian Church from February 1990 until his sudden passing in July 2013, Brian Emery exemplified the Christian qualities of loving service.
Brian mentored children through Junior & Teen choirs, led adult choirs, including the Senior Choir, the Bells of St. Marys, special ensembles and the community choir known as ‘ Stonetown Entertainers.’ He ministered each Sunday to us through music.
Brian lived in grateful thanksgiving to God each day of his life, helping in any way he could. He always greeted others with a warm and open hug. His legacy of love lives on with the establishment of this fund in his memory.
The “Brian Emery Music & Worship Fund” was set up in response to the desire of many to remember Brian in a tangible way, as well as to receive a bequest that Brian had arranged in his will. Thank you Brian! It is established to honour him and to serve the following purposes:
1. To financially assist with the cost of music lessons for children who cannot otherwise afford them;
2. To maintain a scholarship in Brian’s name that we have established within the Stratford Kiwanis Music Festival to encourage excellence in music for youth;
3. To purchase new music and/or instruments or repair them.
Planned Giving and Estate Planning
We may feel that remembering our favourite charity or acknowledging our church through a bequest in our will means we won’t be able to leave as much to our family. Visiting an Estate Planner plotted out two scenarios: the first where nothing was left to charities, the second where charities of choice were included. The only thing that really changed was the amount that the estate needed to pay in estate taxes to the government! So, rest assured, remembering your charity of choice in your Will does not mean your family will receive any less of an inheritance. You can do both – leave monies to your loved ones and to your charities of choice. Be prepared and plan ahead.
In Brian’s case, he had taken time to consult with his financial planner in order that those causes most near and dear to his heart could be remembered through a financial bequest.
For More Information
The Stewardship and Planned Giving staff at The Presbyterian Church in Canada national office are available to help you turn your philanthropic wishes into reality.
To learn how a bequest, gift of stock, gift annuity or other planned gift can leave a lasting legacy to your church, please contact the national office by email or call 1-800-619-7301, or mail to The Presbyterian Church in Canada, 50 Wynford Drive, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1J7.
Please seek professional advice: The Presbyterian Church in Canada strongly recommends that you seek professional advice so that your legacy gift is tailored to your circumstances.