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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


Church Life

We strive to create meaningful and enriching experiences for all our members.The church offers a variety of Learning activities such as bible studies, multigenerational events and music gatherings. Children and youth are an important part of our community, with programs designed specifically for them, such as youth groups, vacation bible school and various special events.

Our church is deeply commited to Mission and Outreach, working to serve those in need both locally and globally. This includes initiatives such as community service projects, food drives and supporting international organizations that help those in poverty or crisis. We are also apart of the Presbyterians sharing program, which allows the congregation to support various Presbyterian ministries all across our country.
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Learning Activities
At St. Marys Presbyterian Church, we encourage and help one another to become disciples of Jesus Christ. Through multigenerational opportunities to study, fellowship and service ...
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Children and Youth
Our children's and youth programs offer a variety of activities that cater to their interests and provide a safe and engaging environment for them to learn and grow. We are dedicated to providing a welcoming and inclusive community for children and youth of all ages ...
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Presbyterian Sharing
Presbyterian Sharing supports the overall mission and ministry of The Presbyterian Church of Canada ...
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Mission and Outreach
Mission and Outreach are key components of the life and worship of St. Marys Presbyterian Church, so much so that we don't have a separate Ministry Team for Mission and Outreach, but rather every body of the church is to be involved in Mission and Outreach ...